
My heart speaks before my mind thinks through...

Aurora, unaware of the pains taken to rescue her from her destined fate, approached the spindle with eyes aglow. Her finger reached out, enchanted by the point. The prick didn’t even hurt, and as she floated to the ground, her eyes rested peacefully, knowing the next thing she would ever set her eyes on would be her savior.

I am asleep, in a lucid dream of illusions and fantasies that will never come true. My body’s sensations read a world of simultaneous gravity and levity, pushing and pulling me at work, at school, and in my heart—in actuality I’m just laying here. My hands are folded over my chest as my breathing is so light that when my Love approaches it is scared it has come too late. There is a meadow surrounding me and wind flowing makes the blades of grass whistle a song of earthly pleasures free of spiritual complications. And when it kisses me, I open my eyes slowly. Slowly and reluctantly, hoping that my Love will be nothing like that world of my dreams. I reach my index finger for my Love’s mouth, and it takes it onto its tongue while I close my eyes and bid farewell to my lucid dreams of philosophies, planning, and foolishness…

I’m dreaming right now, and this is what I imagine it will be like when I wake up. I’m not ready for that moment of clarity yet, but when I am, I know You will be there…


  1. That was beautiful, Jireh. The imagery was stunning and for a minute, I forgot I was reading anything at all. When I get married, you'll writing my vows. <3
