
Devil Wears Pantsuit Vol. 1

Here is a quick explanation of the Devil Wears Pantsuit Series:

I am an intern for a nonprofit business called Youth About Business. With six other college interns, I run three week long business simulation camps in four locations (Nashville, Houston, Chicago, and New York City). Days are officially anywhere from ten to thirteen hours; unofficially, we are *always* on the job and meetings can be called at any time. Work is hard and incessant, but the pay off is great (so they tell us.) My two main joys of this tireless, sleepless internship are 1 my brand new twin cousin who has completed the trinity o f important men in my life (my bestie & my brother being the other two) who is so awesome and nonstop helpful and 2 my fellow interns who are so fun, funny, and hardworking to share the experience I call... DEVIL WEARS PANTSUIT! Enjoy the series...

Fact 1: Youth About Business is a leadership training program with a summer camp that simulates the corporate business world. I like to refer to it as "business immersion."
Fact 2: I am an English major, Theater minor. I *suck* at math.

Yet I am professional, dedicated [no comma, Christopher] and hardworking enough to have landed an internship with Youth About Business that is incredibly intensive. Simply put: I was not prepared. My first full day was today, and it began with a $50 dock on my weekly stipend because I chose to ride with the half of (seven) coworkers who were four minutes late to a 9 a.m. meeting--

Well that's all I had time to sneak and write yesterday. Lets see if I can accomplish more on my dinner break now...

Yesterday turned out terrible. The only good points were 1- Pancake Pantry was the BOMB and 2- I got to hang with my freaking awesome twin cousin that night and got a much-needed hair cut.--

So it is now Friday and unfortunately my dinner break was *not* long enough to complete one thought of blogging. So now I am going to try a new approach: texting. I am sitting in the lobby Of East Hall Dormitory on Vanderbilt campus waiting on my team to arrive, texting this blog to the internet. Resourceful, right? ... Thanks, lol. And apparently much needed, because even as the last two days of this internship have been full 24 hour challenges of their own (day 1- getting acclimated to the conditions of the internship; day 2- carrying my figurative bat and being fully prepared for any challenges that may come up in my day), today presents a totally new challenge: being professional and have excellent performance in the face of personal (namely romantic) turmoil. Yesterday something very unfortunate occurred in my personal life. (Pretty similar to the romantic conflict in The Devil Wears Prada, actually.) Two hours of sleep was more than I could afford to lose. So, I started a new verse like poetry. (I know the Supreme won't hang me out to dry, and at the end of the movie, the intern got her happy ending despite her loss.) And now I’m walking to a bus stop with my intern "ensemble" trying to text AND carry a box of manual copies from kinkos. Well, now that that is out of me back to my inspiring Dr. Seuss quote:

"I have heard there are troubles of more than one kind.
Some come from ahead and some come from behind.
But I've bought a big bat. I'm all ready you see.
Now my troubles are going to have troubles with me!" ~ Dr. Seuss

Stay tuned for the next Devil Wears Pantsuit Series update...


3.6 Goals and Anxiety Disguised as Ambition

This summer marks my transition into 22star14, the movement into Jireh with swag/confidence/style/social skills. There are a couple of goals I want to be sure to accomplish during this transition so I'll be ready to enter next semester in full 22star14 mode.

Overall 2009-10 Goals:
  • Be a UNCF Mellon Fellow
  • Do a bang-up job as Spriggs-Borough Secretary
  • Become an anchor for TigerTV
  • Be cast as Bill Flynn for CHICAGO & a fall production with Spelman's Drama Department
  • Make Spring Tour (MCGC)
  • 4.0 GPA (I got close with a 3.6 freshman year)
  • Faithful & Drug free (peer pressure is a B)

Writing Goals:
  • Write one full length play (based of The Street by Ann Petry), one one-act play, and one ten minute play
  • Explore my genre of magical realism through Gabriel Garcia Marquez & Italo Calvino
  • Begin projects for Spelman's Aunt Chloe Lit. Magazine
  • Read at least 10 plays

Social Goals:
  • Be more social, friendly, and not as standoffish
  • Fashion: develop my image as a new age hippie
  • Work out abs, legs, & arms
  • Not use my relationship as a crutch/cure all/distraction, but rather as the support system it should be--and addition to my life, not its crux.

So obviously some of these goals are fairly far fetched (or at least idealistic); however, you have to shoot for the moon if you want to reach the stars. This is my second installation for the 22star14 phase.

Take Care!


Birth of 22star14

I'm pretty sure that most blogs are more for therapeutic purposes than anything else. I have a hard time believing anyone is really that interested in reading any one else's blog unless they are a fan, stalker, or looking for specific information. Confident in my belief, I've decided to begin this blog to avoid excessive twitter updates or facebook notes. This is my record of this new entity I am attempting to birth. I've nicknamed the transition to 22star14, but really it's just me attempting to find my own and grow into myself. Freshman year, I explored a side of myself that wasn't true to who I really want to be. I was a loner, antisocial, unfocused, and kinda just there.... Jireh is really a social guy, fun-loving, and a jack of all trades. Now that I know who the Morehouse Jireh is, I'm gonna use him for all its worth.

Nice to meet you, world.