
Just go. (a mini)

A 7:30 am flight with my supervisor to Chicago.
Cold and rainy—I'm in a t-shirt.
A one-hundred dollar stipend: fifty for cab costs, fifty for food, none for entertainment.
Sharing a two-bed room in the Hampton Inn with my two least favorite coworkers.
Either a 40 dollar cab ride or 50 minute bus ride from the city.
Sleeping to keep myself from dying of boredom.
Then finally staring at the ceiling, trying to convince myself I'm still sleepy.

This was the first two days in Chicago.

“I'm an air sign. I can't take this! I have to get the hell out of here.”

I grab my iPod, throw on some jeans and, without two words to my coworker on the bed opposite mine, exit. To where? I don't know but I am about to flip out sitting in that silent hotel room waiting for Monday to arrive. At the front desk I ask where the nearest Walmart is (because I know there's a Walmart near) and start walking. And walking. And walking...

I pass Walmart. I pass Target. I pass Home Depot. And...find a mall!

Moral of the story? Sometimes you have to just go! Don't sit in a situation waiting on a change. Make the change yourself...and even if you can't make a change, at least make a difference. That's my M.O. this week. Best wishes!


  1. i'm scared to just go
    i'm scare i'll get lost...

  2. i....can....go..........

    yeah just thought of that.

  3. SimplyShay: And even if you do, the Supreme won't lead you astray. There's nothing more beautiful than getting lost on a rainy day and discovering paradise once the sunshine comes.

    Pat.Jak: Right on target!

  4. Sometimes, you think you’re waiting for help. For someone to tell you the right thing to do. Even though, at the back of your mind, you already know what that is, so all you’re really waiting for, is a time when you’re forced to do it.
